• A family of churches

    Anthem Camarillo is part a family of churches helping people find their way back to God. The Anthem family of churches is united around shared mission, vision, values, and submission to the Lordship of King Jesus. In our cities, we are working to obey Jesus in helping people find their way back to God.

ending the

40 Day Electronic Fast

Why did we do this Fast? 

The elders believe that God wants us to grow in actively eliminating hurry from our lives. Hurry is one of the greatest enemies to enjoying the life that God has for us. We know that we live in a fast-paced world, and that many of us have been overly attached, connected and maybe even addicted to the false illusion of eternity in our pockets. Whether it be entertainment, news, social media, games or other forms of learning, we’ve realized there isn’t a minute of our day that our phones, tablets, computers or gaming devices wouldn’t gladly receive our attention and affection. The problem is our phones, tablets, computers and gaming devices are things and not a person. We’ve never been created to be in relationship with things, we’ve been created to be in relationship with God and with people (1 John 1:1-4).

What we hoped...

- We wanted to realize that if we eliminate or limit unnecessary personal electronic consumption in our life, it creates a greater opportunity for true connection with God and others. 

- We wanted to recognize our unhealthy dependence on a thing rather than God. 

- We hoped it would provide the opportunity for us all to consider the patterns of our life, and to see if they line up with a desire to follow Jesus so that we might share his life and love with those around us. 

The fast in light of covid-19

We believe the electronic fast helped prepare us for the global pandemic of COVID-19. It gave us an opportunity to be more present with God, to be reminded that he is who we need more than anything else. It provided an opportunity for some to be alone with God more than they have ever been. For many of us, we intentionally slowed down, and were able to place our anxious hearts in the hand of our great redeemer. 

For some, the fast may have become more difficult and as a result looked different than originally intended and hoped. We challenge you to press into that as the fast comes to end. 

The Fast is over. now what? 

It seems that in this unique time there is a gracious opportunity to rethink, reshape, and for some, even repurpose our lives. Even in the midst of pain and fear of the unknown, we get to remember that God wastes nothing (Romans 8:28). What is God doing in you? How is he giving you the opportunity to set up rhythms of life consistent with a life of following Jesus? As our fast comes to a close, take time in the next week or two to prayerfully plan out the habits that you want to be true in your life, and begin to put them into practice. If you’re looking for a good place to start we will have a framework for you to consider following, coming later this week. Would we not waste the fast, or waste the season that we find ourselves in during this time.

Nicole Raden has put together an electronic re-engagement worksheet to help decide how to appropriately and intentionally engage with electronics. Take time this week to go through it, and make a plan so that we don’t find ourselves in the same boat we were in 40 days ago. Download the worksheet below. 


- WORKSHEET: Download the worksheet created by Nicole Raden to help determine how you can appropriately engage with electronics as we end the fast. 

- END OF FAST PACKET: Kevin Bailey shares how we can intentionally reflect and end our fast, also includes the electronic re-engaggement worksheet.

- VIDEO STORIES: See how the fast impacted different people in the Anthem family. 

- FAST PODCAST: Kevin Bailey, Nicole Raden, Austin Borders, and Robb Oram spent time talking about the fast. Listen to the 4 part series.