• A family of churches

    Anthem Camarillo is part a family of churches helping people find their way back to God. The Anthem family of churches is united around shared mission, vision, values, and submission to the Lordship of King Jesus. In our cities, we are working to obey Jesus in helping people find their way back to God.

after the livestream

Sunday Response

When we were able to meet in person, our habit was to respond to our study of God’s Word together with four possible responses. While not the same as doing these together and in-person - thinking through our response to hearing from God is no less important. Below are ways you may consider responding that are similar to how we typically worship together. 

  • Singing 

    Singing provides an opportunity for the truths we’ve considered in our heads and our hearts to move through us and erupt through our hearts and our mouths. 

    We've put togeher of playlist of songs for you to listen to on Sundays and throughout the week. The songs are thematic for our teaching through Proverbs.

    Note: while you'll be able to listen to 30 sec previews of the songs via the app, you'll need to access this page from your computer to log into Spotify to play the entire song.

  • Prayer

    We want to pray with and for you. Join us at 8 AM on Sundays for pre-gathering prayer before the livestream. If you have prayer requests that you’d like to share with us we’d love to pray for you. You can share your requests with our elders using the link below.

    Additionally, we want to purposefully grow our habits of daily prayer. Below is a guide to help shape our daily prayers.

  • Communion

    Communion is a gift and sacrament Jesus gave to his followers. During the last supper Jesus took a loaf of bread and tore it and shared it with his disciples. Telling them “take and eat: this is my body.” Then he took a cup and shared it with all his disciples and said, "This is the blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 continues this practice. And repeats this phrase from Jesus “do this in remembrance of me.” Each week we have the opportunity to remember the finished work of Jesus. As you take communion this week, remember Jesus in his life, death, and resurrection. 

  • Giving

    Each week we make it possible to worship God through our giving. Even though we are not able to physically meet each week at this time, this is still a crucial part of our worship to Jesus. We invite you to intentionally take time to give online.